launch.json 2.23 KB
    // Utilizar IntelliSense para aprender acerca de los posibles atributos.
    // Mantenga el puntero para ver las descripciones de los existentes atributos 
    // Para más información, visite:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Python odoo 10 - Adrian",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "stopOnEntry": false,
            "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}",
            //"program": "${file}", use this to debug opened file.
            "program": "/home/administrador/odoo10/odoo-bin",
            "args": [
                "-d hydra_adrian -u asw_hydra --dev=xml --db-filter=hydra_adrian --config=/home/administrador/config10",
            "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "debugOptions": [
            "name": "Python odoo 10 - Ramiro",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "stopOnEntry": false,
            "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}",
            //"program": "${file}", use this to debug opened file.
            "program": "/home/ramiro/odoo10/odoo-bin",
            "args": [
            "-d hydra_ramiro -u asw_hydra --dev=xml --db-filter=hydra_ramiro --config=/home/ramiro/config10",
            "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "debugOptions": [
            "name": "Python odoo 10 - Nahuel",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "stopOnEntry": false,
            "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}",
            //"program": "${file}", use this to debug opened file.
            "program": "/home/nahuel/odoo10/odoo-bin",
            "args": [
                "-d hydra_nahuel -u asw_hydra --dev=xml --db-filter=hydra_nahuel --config=/home/nahuel/config10",
            "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "debugOptions": [