Commit 821f6931 by Luciano Barletta


1 parent 1f0ee314
......@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ function processField(field){
function processTab(tab){
let dict = [];
let container = getDescendantByAttribute(tab,"name","Field").parentElement;
let container = getDescendantByAttribute(tab,"name","Field");
if (container == null) return dict;
container = container.parentElement;
for(let i = 0; i < container.children.length; i++){
if (container.children[i].getAttribute("name") == "Field") {
......@@ -112,4 +114,44 @@ function maxChild(container,number){
(a,b) => fixinput(a) > fixinput(b) ? a : b
return fixinput(max);
function validate(obj){
const internal = "Hubo un error en la generación del formulario";
if (typeof obj != "object") return triggerError(internal,"not object");
for (let t_it = 0; t_it < obj.length; t_it++) {
let tab = obj[t_it];
if ("Title" in tab && "Fields" in tab){
if (typeof tab.Title != "string") return triggerError(internal,"wrong type in tab title");
if (typeof tab.Fields != "object") return triggerError(internal,"wrong type in tab fields");
if (tab.Title == "") return triggerError("La tab " + (t_it + 1) + " necesita un título","empty tab title");
if (tab.Fields.length == 0) return triggerError("La tab " + (t_it + 1) + " requiere campos","empty tab fields");
for (let f_it = 0; f_it < tab.Fields.length; f_it++) {
let field = tab.Fields[f_it];
if ("Title" in field && "Input" in field && "Required" in field) {
if (typeof field.Title != "string") return triggerError(internal,"wrong type in field title");
if (typeof field.Input != "string") return triggerError(internal,"wrong type in field input");
if (typeof field.Required != "boolean") return triggerError(internal,"wrong type in field required");
if (field.Title == "") return triggerError("El campo " + (f_it + 1) + " del tab " + (t_it + 1) + " necesita un título","empty field title");
if (field.Input == "") return triggerError("El campo " + (f_it + 1) + " del tab " + (t_it + 1) + " necesita un input","empty field input");
} else { return triggerError(internal,"field lacks property") }
} else { return triggerError(internal,"tab lacks property") }
function triggerError(type,log){
let out = "triggerError => \nerror_message = " + type;
if (log) out += "\nlog_message = " + log;
document.getElementById("ErrorMessage").innerText = type;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
<p id="ErrorMessage" style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; color: red;"></p>
<h3 id="ContinuarText">Cuando se encuentre conforme con el formulario presione Continuar</h3>
<button id="ContinuarButton" onclick="ArmarForm( generate(document.getElementById('tabs')) )"> Continuar </button>
......@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ function processField(field){
function processTab(tab){
let dict = [];
let container = getDescendantByAttribute(tab,"name","Field").parentElement;
let container = getDescendantByAttribute(tab,"name","Field");
if (container == null) return dict;
container = container.parentElement;
for(let i = 0; i < container.children.length; i++){
if (container.children[i].getAttribute("name") == "Field") {
......@@ -112,4 +114,44 @@ function maxChild(container,number){
(a,b) => fixinput(a) > fixinput(b) ? a : b
return fixinput(max);
function validate(obj){
const internal = "Hubo un error en la generación del formulario";
if (typeof obj != "object") return triggerError(internal,"not object");
for (let t_it = 0; t_it < obj.length; t_it++) {
let tab = obj[t_it];
if ("Title" in tab && "Fields" in tab){
if (typeof tab.Title != "string") return triggerError(internal,"wrong type in tab title");
if (typeof tab.Fields != "object") return triggerError(internal,"wrong type in tab fields");
if (tab.Title == "") return triggerError("La tab " + (t_it + 1) + " necesita un título","empty tab title");
if (tab.Fields.length == 0) return triggerError("La tab " + (t_it + 1) + " requiere campos","empty tab fields");
for (let f_it = 0; f_it < tab.Fields.length; f_it++) {
let field = tab.Fields[f_it];
if ("Title" in field && "Input" in field && "Required" in field) {
if (typeof field.Title != "string") return triggerError(internal,"wrong type in field title");
if (typeof field.Input != "string") return triggerError(internal,"wrong type in field input");
if (typeof field.Required != "boolean") return triggerError(internal,"wrong type in field required");
if (field.Title == "") return triggerError("El campo " + (f_it + 1) + " del tab " + (t_it + 1) + " necesita un título","empty field title");
if (field.Input == "") return triggerError("El campo " + (f_it + 1) + " del tab " + (t_it + 1) + " necesita un input","empty field input");
} else { return triggerError(internal,"field lacks property") }
} else { return triggerError(internal,"tab lacks property") }
function triggerError(type,log){
let out = "triggerError => \nerror_message = " + type;
if (log) out += "\nlog_message = " + log;
document.getElementById("ErrorMessage").innerText = type;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
<p id="ErrorMessage" style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; color: red;"></p>
<h3 id="ContinuarText">Cuando se encuentre conforme con el formulario presione Continuar</h3>
<button id="ContinuarButton" onclick="ArmarForm( generate(document.getElementById('tabs')) )"> Continuar </button>
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