Commit 68d15a86 by Luciano Barletta

updated for multifile request, made some improvements, not tested

1 parent 3fdaf358
......@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,12 +6,9 @@ class DBconnection:
tables = ["msg","history"]
states = [States.queued,States.delivered]
structure = { : "integer PRIMARY KEY",
Table.path : "text",
Table.file : "text",
Table.serv : "text",
Table.dest : "text",
Table.type : "text",
......@@ -67,19 +64,36 @@ class DBconnection:
return id
def update(self,table,comparator,alterations):
if not table in DBconnection.tables:
return "La tabla " + table + " no existe o no está contemplada"
if not Table.validate(comparator[0]):
return "El comparador no es una columna valida"
query = "UPDATE " + table + " SET "
where = " WHERE " + comparator[0] + "=" + comparator[1]
for column in alterations:
if not self.check(column,alterations[column]):
return "El dato '" + alterations[column] + "' no es valido"
query += column + "='" + alterations[column] + "',"
query = query.strip(",")
con = sqlite3.connect(self.db)
cursor = con.cursor()
cursor.execute(query + where)
def check(self,column,data):
if column == Table.file:
return True
if column == Table.path:
return True
if column == Table.serv:
return Services.validate(data)
if column == Table.dest and len(data) <= 13:
if column == Table.dest:
return True
if column == Table.type:
return Datatypes.validate(data)
if column == Table.state:
return (data in DBconnection.states)
return States.validate(data)
return False
......@@ -14,7 +14,13 @@ app = Flask(__name__)
retry_timer = 10
clean_timer = 20
prefix_lenght = 16
filename = {}
operation_timer = 86400
# folder for all messages
msgfolder = "msg/"
# database connection
process = Process("messages.db")
def main():
......@@ -30,14 +36,30 @@ def key():
@app.route('/data', methods = ['POST'])
def data():
prefix = newprefix()
path = msgfolder + prefix + "/"
key = request.files.get('key')
if key != None: + "_key.enc")
request.files['data'].save(prefix + ".enc")
filename[prefix] = request.files['data'].filename
return prefix
if key:
request.files[file].save(path + "rand.key.enc")
# decrypt random key with stored private key and store in prefix folder
os.system("openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey rsa_key.pri -in " + path + "rand.key.enc -out " + path + "rand.key")
os.remove(path + "rand.key.enc")
for file in request.files:
# if key exists and this is not it
if key and file != "key":
request.files[file].save(filepath + ".enc")
# decrypt file with decrypted random key and store in prefix folder
os.system("openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in " + filepath + ".enc -out " + filepath + " -pass file:" + path + "rand.key")
os.remove(filepath + ".enc")
request.files[file].save(path + request.files[file].filename)
if key:
os.remove(path + "rand.key")
return str(process.datastore(path))
def newprefix():
prefix = ""
......@@ -55,80 +77,41 @@ def newprefix():
@app.route('/msg', methods = ['POST'])
def msg():
process = Process('messages.db')
prefix = request.values['id']
if prefix not in filename:
return "El id de la data es invalido"
# symetric key was sent, decrypt data
if os.path.exists(prefix + "_key.enc"):
# decrypt random key with stored private key and store in host folder
os.system("openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey rsa_key.pri -in " + prefix + "_key.enc -out " + prefix + "_key")
# decrypt JSON with decrypted random key and store in dir folder
os.system("openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in " + prefix + ".enc -out " + prefix + " -pass file:" + prefix + "_key")
# delete garbage
os.system("rm " + prefix + ".enc")
os.system("rm " + prefix + "_key.enc")
os.system("rm " + prefix + "_key")
id = request.values['id']
query = {
'path' : prefix,
'file' : filename.pop(prefix),
'serv' : request.values['serv'],
'dest' : request.values['dest'],
'type' : request.values['type'] : id,
Table.serv : request.values['serv'],
Table.dest : request.values['dest'],
Table.type : request.values['type']
id =
return str(id)
state = process.paramstore(query)
return state
@app.route('/cons', methods = ['POST'])
def cons():
process = Process('messages.db')
id_query = request.form['id']
row = process.lookup(id_query)
if type(row) == str: # error message
return row
if row[Table.state] == States.delivered:
os.system("rm " + row[Table.path])
os.system("rm -r" + row[Table.path])
return str(row[Table.state])
def attempt():
process = Process('messages.db')
p = Process('messages.db')
threading.Timer(retry_timer, attempt).start()
def clean():
process = Process('messages.db')
paths = process.paths()
p = Process('messages.db')
paths = p.paths()
now =
# in database (after /msg)
for file in paths:
mtime = os.path.getmtime(file)
# if the file exists for more than a 23 hs, erase it
if int(now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")) - int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")) > 23:
os.system("rm " + file)
# in prefixes dictionary (after /data)
for file in filename:
# not encrypted
if os.path.exists(file):
mtime = os.path.getmtime(file)
# if the file exists for more than a 23 hs, erase it
if int(now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")) - int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")) > 23:
os.system("rm " + file)
# encrypted
elif os.path.exists(file + ".enc"):
mtime = os.path.getmtime(file + ".enc")
# if the file exists for more than a 23 hs, erase it
if int(now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")) - int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")) > 23:
os.system("rm " + file + ".enc")
os.system("rm " + file + "_key")
for folder in paths:
mtime = os.path.getmtime(folder)
# if the folder exists for more than a X seconds, erase it and its contents
if int(now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) - int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) > operation_timer:
os.system("rm -r " + folder)
threading.Timer(clean_timer, clean).start()
......@@ -140,4 +123,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# starts cleaning daemon
# remove and recreate msg folder for cleanup purposes
if os.path.exists(msgfolder):
os.system("rm -r " + msgfolder)
\ No newline at end of file
class Table:
id = "id"
path = "path"
file = "file"
serv = "serv"
dest = "dest"
type = "type"
state = "state"
def validate(column):
return hasattr(Table, column)
class States:
queued = "queued"
delivered = "delivered"
preprocess = "preprocess"
def validate(state):
return hasattr(States, state)
class Services:
wpp1 = "wpp1"
sms = "sms"
def validate(serv):
if serv == Services.wpp1:
return True
return False
return hasattr(Services, serv)
class Datatypes:
text = "text"
image = "image"
document = "document"
link = "link"
audio = "audio"
def validate(datatype):
if datatype == Datatypes.text:
return True
if datatype == Datatypes.image:
return True
if datatype == Datatypes.document:
return True
if datatype ==
return True
return False
return hasattr(Datatypes, datatype)
import ipdb
import os
import json
from services import serviceFactory
from database import DBconnection
from enums import Services, States, Datatypes, Table
......@@ -10,30 +11,49 @@ class Process:
self.db = db
self.conn = DBconnection(db)
# stores the message and returns its id
def store(self,query):
# stores the data
def datastore(self,path):
entities = {
Table.path : path,
Table.state : States.preprocess
id = self.conn.insert("msg",entities)
return id
# stores the parameters
def paramstore(self,query):
# service is wrong
if not Services.validate(query[Table.serv]):
return "No existe el servicio '" + query[Table.serv] + "'"
# message can't be sent by this service
if not serviceFactory(query[Table.serv]).validate(query[Table.type]):
return "El servicio '" + query[Table.serv] + "' no puede enviar el tipo '" + query[Table.type] + "'"
types = json.loads(query[Table.type])
filelist = os.listdir(
for file in types:
# files don't exist
if file not in filelist:
return "El archivo '" + file "' no existe"
# message can't be sent by this service
elif not serviceFactory(query[Table.serv]).validate(types[file]):
return "El servicio '" + query[Table.serv] + "' no puede enviar el tipo '" + types[file] + "' destinado al archivo '" file "'"
entities = {
Table.path : query[Table.path],
Table.file : query[Table.file],
Table.dest : query[Table.dest],
Table.serv : query[Table.serv],
Table.type : query[Table.type],
Table.state : States.queued
id = self.conn.insert("msg",entities)
return id
return States.queued
# tries to send all messages available
def send(self):
rows = self.conn.query("SELECT * FROM msg WHERE state = ?",(States.queued,))
for query in DBconnection.parseToTable(rows):
# if file doesn't exist, erase the message request, it can't be read anyway
# if folder doesn't exist, erase the message request
if not os.path.exists(query[Table.path]):
self.conn.query("DELETE FROM msg WHERE id = ?",(query[],))
......@@ -55,7 +75,6 @@ class Process:
self.conn.query("DELETE FROM msg WHERE id = ?",(id,))
entities = {
Table.path : row[Table.path],
Table.file : row[Table.file],
Table.serv : row[Table.serv],
Table.dest : row[Table.dest],
Table.type : row[Table.type],
......@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ import json
import os
from enums import Table, Services, States, Datatypes
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
from import MIMEAudio
class ServiceBase(ABC):
......@@ -28,24 +33,71 @@ class Wpp1(ServiceBase):
server = ""
def send(self,data):
if data[Table.type] == Datatypes.text:
f = open(data[Table.path])
text =
result = requests.get(url = Wpp1.URL + Wpp1.URLmode[data[Table.type]],params = {'token':Wpp1.token,'uid':Wpp1.uid,'to':data[Table.dest],'text':text})
return result.json()['success']
path = = Wpp1.server, files = { 'data' : (str(data[Table.file]),open(data[Table.path],'rb')) })
result = requests.get(url = Wpp1.URL + Wpp1.URLmode[data[Table.type]],params = {'token':Wpp1.token,'uid':Wpp1.uid,'to':data[Table.dest],'url':Wpp1.server + path.text})
return result.json()['success']
types = json.loads(data[Table.type])
for file in types:
filepath = data[Table.path] + file
if types[file] == Datatypes.text:
f = open(filepath)
text =
result = requests.get(url = Wpp1.URL + Wpp1.URLmode[types[file]],params = {'token':Wpp1.token,'uid':Wpp1.uid,'to':data[Table.dest],'text':text})
return result.json()['success']
path = = Wpp1.server, files = { 'data' : (file,open(filepath,'rb')) })
result = requests.get(url = Wpp1.URL + Wpp1.URLmode[data[Table.type]],params = {'token':Wpp1.token,'uid':Wpp1.uid,'to':data[Table.dest],'url':Wpp1.server + path.text})
return result.json()['success']
def validate(self,datatype):
return Datatypes.validate(datatype)
return datatype == Datatypes.text or datatype == Datatypes.image or datatype == Datatypes.document or datatype ==
class SMS(ServiceBase):
def __init__(self):
self.__username = ""
self.__password = "prueba2019"
self.s = smtplib.SMTP(host = "", port = 26)
def send(self,data):
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['From'] = self._SMS__username
msg['To'] = data[Table.dest]
msg['Subject'] = "Test"
types = json.loads(data[Table.type])
for file in types:
filepath = data[Table.path] + file
msg.attach(self.MIMEmode(filepath, types[file]))
return True
def MIMEmode(self,path,type):
data = open(path,'rb')
mode = None
if type == Datatypes.text:
mode = MIMEText(,'plain')
if type == Datatypes.image:
mode = MIMEImage(
if type ==
mode = MIMEAudio(
return mode
def validate(self,datatype):
if datatype == Datatypes.text:
return True
if datatype == Datatypes.image:
return True
if datatype ==
return True
return False
def serviceFactory(serv):
if serv == Services.wpp1:
return Wpp1()
if serv == Services.sms:
return SMS()
return None
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_testing import TestCase
import unittest
class RootTest(TestCase):
render_templates = True
def create_app(self):
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['Testing'] = True
def main():
return render_template('index.html')
return app
def test_something(self):
response = self.client.get("/")
self.assertEqual('utf-8'),"Nothing to see here...",response)
if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
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