Commit 5fe66ea1 by Luciano Barletta

Fixed encryption mode

1 parent 6f4ef1a5
......@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ def data():
prefix = newprefix()
key = request.files.get('key')
if key != None: + "_key")
request.files['data'].save(prefix) + "_key.enc")
request.files['data'].save(prefix + ".enc")
filename[prefix] = request.files['data'].filename
return prefix
......@@ -54,16 +54,18 @@ def msg():
process = Process('messages.db')
prefix = request.values['id']
if not os.path.exists(prefix):
if prefix not in filename:
return "El id de la data es invalido"
# symetric key was sent, decrypt data
if os.path.exists(prefix + "_key"):
if os.path.exists(prefix + "_key.enc"):
# decrypt random key with stored private key and store in host folder
os.system("openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey rsa_key.pri -in " + prefix + "_key -out " + prefix + "_key")
os.system("openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey rsa_key.pri -in " + prefix + "_key.enc -out " + prefix + "_key")
# decrypt JSON with decrypted random key and store in dir folder
os.system("openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in " + prefix + " -out " + prefix + " -pass file:" + prefix + "_key")
# delete key
os.system("openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in " + prefix + ".enc -out " + prefix + " -pass file:" + prefix + "_key")
# delete garbage
os.system("rm " + prefix + ".enc")
os.system("rm " + prefix + "_key.enc")
os.system("rm " + prefix + "_key")
query = {
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